Sounds strange for me to say that, doesn’t it? Coming from a marketing guy.

But if you qualify and all three of these reasons that I go over apply to you, then just skip it.

But if just one of these reasons DOESN’T apply to you, then you might want to watch and take advantage of the Big Holiday FREE Gifts that I’m giving away with this promotion until October 20th at midnight.

Missing this and NOT starting 2023 off with a packed restaurant full of happy customers in January is a scary thought.

Video highlights: 

00:47 Important details for success.

01:07 Here’s where the wheels come off the bus.

01:48 Reason #1 to not do this promotion.

02:28 Reason #2 happy customers and staff in January?

02:50 Reason #3 here’s where I completely lose it.

If you watched the video, you get it. If none of these three reasons apply to you and you want start January with your restaurant packed full of happy customers with fistfuls of cash in one hand and a red envelopes in the other that are ready to spend at your restaurant… then you need to act now. Why?

  • I will pay for your shipping.
  • Last Year prices (Yes, they will go up 10-20-22)
  • Making sure you get RED envelopes in time to pass out in December (I’ve been talking about this for weeks. Supply chain issues with red paper.)

These FREE Bonuses all go away on 10-20-22.

Don’t delay – order yours today! (Hey, that rhymes!)

Michael Thibault

Known as “The Done For You Marketing Guy for Restaurants.” International Speaker on Restaurant Marketing. Published contributing author of 4 Marketing Books. Industry expert on Google Searches and Review Sites. Recovering Independent Restaurant Owner and Caterer of over 21 years. And, all-around good guy.