

Remember that infomercial? It was from that workout lady back in the ’80s – or was it 90’s? Whatever the case, she had tons of energy and would always scream that line.

But what I’m talking about is true insanity for business owners if you fall prey to this. Please don’t trust any company, person, employee, or friend that gets control of this for your business. It’s the foundation of your online presence and how 98.7% of your customers get information about your business.

I want to make sure you protect yourself. This is a visual blog, and I show you exactly what I’m talking about with an example from one of our clients. Please watch so you’re armed with this vital information, and you can make sure this never happens to you.

Video highlights:

00:50 Remember the Yellow Pages?

01:14 How to keep ownership while getting help the safe way.

01:48 Why this is so important to getting new customers for your business.

02:18 **LIVE DEMO**

05:09 Secret Google Hack to beating your competitors to the top.


This is one of the most important details for attracting new customers and keeping your existing customers up to date with ALL the essential information about your business. If this isn’t right, you are losing sales.

If you need an in-depth review of your Google, review, and social media for your business, we will do that for FREE. A $297 value because you are part of our DFY family and read our blogs. Thanks for that, btw.

We will also provide you with a list of what is right and what needs attention. And answer any questions you might have. Schedule a review today.

We’re here to help.

Michael Thibault

Known as “The Done For You Marketing Guy for Restaurants.” International Speaker on Restaurant Marketing. Published contributing author of 4 Marketing Books. Industry expert on Google Searches and Review Sites. Recovering Independent Restaurant Owner and Caterer of over 21 years. And, all-around good guy.