Running a restaurant isn’t easy; you can ask anyone in the restaurant industry, and they will all say the same thing.

Transforming any restaurant into a thriving business takes hard work and willpower. But, with the right systems and marketing plan, you can make your restaurant stand out brighter than the rest. That’s where email marketing is so effective; it helps get your restaurant noticed and keeps your guests coming back.

But email marketing isn’t as simple as you may think, as it’s very easy to get it horrifically wrong. But fret not, as we will share everything here to help you create the perfect email that helps you generate sales for your restaurant business.

Restaurant Email Marketing: Why Should You Do It?

Restaurant email marketing is like the friendly neighborhood promoter who spreads the word using emails, all to showcase your restaurant’s irresistible offerings. It’s not just any marketing – it’s the modern-day town cryer narrating the tale of your restaurant’s gastronomic wonders. The newsletters, promotional offers, and tantalizing updates are the melody that keeps your customers engaged and craving for more.

Email marketing offers your business a platform to reach customers, helps you expand your reach like well-risen dough, and allows you to track your progress. The best part is that email marketing and advertising are multi-faceted as they help you target specific audiences, track consumer engagement, and measure the success of your campaigns.

Do It Right, And It Keeps Them Coming Back

Restaurant email marketing is an onion, as it has multiple layers. We will peel them back here for you, so there are no tears, and allow you to explore the myriad of benefits that this digital platform offers to your business.

Cast a Wider Net: You can say goodbye to traditional marketing constraints with email marketing. It effectively pinpoints specific audiences and lets you whip up messages catering to their taste buds.

Savor Your Savings: The best thing about email marketing is that it isn’t just cost-effective; it champions budget-friendly marketing practices. You’ll be trading your costly advertising strategies for an agile, efficient marketing approach with a strong flavor punch.

Stir Up Connections: Email marketing truly shines in helping build a connection and foster relationships with your customers. Imagine sending a personalized note thanking your customers, which will nurture loyalty and ensure your clients keep coming back for more.

Peeling Back the Layers of Restaurant Email Marketing

If you’re still not convinced that email marketing is a DEFINITE for your restaurant marketing campaigns, here are some statistics that will whet your appetite and have your mouth watering.
● The ROI for email marketing averages a savory 122%.
● More than 80% of businesses count on email marketing as their primary way to attract new customers.
● Email advertising and marketing have an average open rate of 23%
● The common click-thru charge (CTR) for emails is 4%.
● As for those who unsubscribe? Only a mere 0.19% will leave.
These numbers showcase that email marketing can be one of the most effective weapons in your marketing arsenal.

How To Whip Together A Winning Email

Now that you know all the benefits of email marketing, it’s time you started crafting your restaurant’s email marketing masterpiece. Here is how you should go about it

Set the Foundation: Start by defining your goals clearly, as clarifying your objectives sets the tone for your culinary journey. Therefore, ask yourself these questions in the beginning:

  • Are you trying to raise your restaurant’s profile?
  • Need to drum up more sales?
  • Or do you want to strengthen your bonds with your customers?

Identify Your Target Audience: You must know your audience before sending emails. Understanding your diner’s favorite dishes is essential, as once you know who you’re serving, you can curate effective messages.

Master the Art of Crafting: Your email’s content should be relevant and resonate with your audience to engage them. Sprinkle in a dash of persuasion with a compelling call-to-action (CTA) that inspires them to act.
Most Importantly…Pretend you are writing to just 1 person!

Remember that email marketing for restaurants is more than just emails; behind every email is the potential to craft a connection, inspire a craving, and ignite loyalty.

Know you should be sending weekly emails but just don’t have the time?

Click the button below to talk with a DFY Email Marketing Specialist who will let you know how to get it done on time, every week, customized for your restaurant.

Michael Thibault

Known as “The Done For You Marketing Guy for Restaurants.” International Speaker on Restaurant Marketing. Published contributing author of 4 Marketing Books. Industry expert on Google Searches and Review Sites. Recovering Independent Restaurant Owner and Caterer of over 21 years. And, all-around good guy.