How do you get a new customer to get up off their comfy couch in the middle of winter, put down the remote for their big screen T.V. while watching Sunday Football, get dressed, get in the cold car, and drive past 15 other restaurants before they get to yours?
Sound easy? It’s not.
But there are a few simple things that don’t cost a dime that you can do to turn your restaurant into a destination that your customers will drive out of their way to get to.
Watch this week’s edition of Mike’s Money-Making Minutes to get the secrets that you can “steal and deploy” from a $500-Million Dollar a year Independent Business that has taken the simplest concept and turned it into an adventure.
Video highlights:
00:45 What is a “destination” business?
01:41 Do you have to a have an A+ location to be a success?
02:36 How a $500-Million gas station beats the big corporates.
03:26 Secrets to creating an unforgettable experience.
04:46 The “One” thing you have to do to create a customer sales machine.
Wanna have some fun with your customers, staff, and especially your cash register?
Check out our MOST exciting promotion of the year that generates over $295 Million in sales for our restaurant clients.

Michael Thibault
Known as “The Done For You Marketing Guy for Restaurants.” International Speaker on Restaurant Marketing. Published contributing author of 4 Marketing Books. Industry expert on Google Searches and Review Sites. Recovering Independent Restaurant Owner and Caterer of over 21 years. And, all-around good guy.