Most marketing companies want to charge you thousands of dollars to magically change your website into an SEO Unicorn that Google and all the other search engines will fall in love with and start producing more sales than your business can handle.

Sound familiar? Ever get a call or an email like that? I’m sure you have.

Did you ever stop and wonder what SEO really is?… and what it means, how it affects your website, and more importantly, your sales?

Scattered around the internet are literally thousands of videos, blogs, and websites dedicated to improving your SEO for your business’s online presence. There’s one problem that all these SEO gurus have in common; they focus on getting people to your website and not what happens when your potential customer actually gets there.

Watch this week’s edition of Mike’s Marketing Minutes to find out what exactly SEO is, how it affects your website traffic, and most importantly… SALES!

Marketing companies talk all the time about how you have to have SEO for your website, but they don’t understand what the most crucial detail to you, the business, owner really is.

Do you know the difference between SEO and paid traffic?

Search Engine Optimization, aka SEO, increases the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic searches.

Paid traffic refers to any customer that visits your website because they’ve seen your paid advertising promotions. Have you heard of Google Pay Per Click (PPC), Facebook Ads, or boosted posts? Ever been contacted by a Yelp salesperson? LOL

This type of traffic is referred to as paid traffic.

When it comes to making sales and gathering leads on your website, you must keep this in mind…

The main goal of your website is what YOU want your customers to do once they get to it.

Such as:

  • Make an appointment
  • Call your business
  • Place an online order
  • Build your marketing list
  • View your menu/hours/location
  • Download a FREE Report
  • And more

Just be alert and be careful of businesses selling SEO services that have never even look at your website or landing page (where you are sending your customers). Make sure to start with your website first, not the traffic source – putting the horse before the cart, not the other way around.

When thinking about your website, it’s important to remember that a good website or landing page is one that accomplishes your end goal and doesn’t try to do too many things.

You have 3.2 seconds to capture someone’s attention once they get to your website. Make sure they can find what they are looking for quickly.

When your website is at the point that it has been tested and proven to be a winner… (which means your customers and potential customers are doing what you want them to do when they get there), then you can focus on optimizing for SEO and driving paid traffic to it.

Here are some things you should know before hiring a digital marketer for SEO or paid traffic campaigns…

When the digital marketer asks for your monthly budget, start small. Maybe a few hundred dollars. Do not spend large sums until they have proven themselves, and you can evaluate your ROI. Don’t let them tell you they need $10k to make this work… that’s not true.

Don’t hire a digital marketer unless you know the answers to these questions:

  • What is your goal for your digital campaign?
  • Who is your target market?
  • What are the one or two actions you want your visitors to do on the page?
  • Is your website/landing page mobile-friendly, and does it convert?

Once you establish specific criteria to measure your success, you’re ready to begin testing for your SEO strategy and PPC campaigns.

If you’d like us to look at your website, click the link below to set up a Discovery Call. We’ll analyze your website for FREE and give feedback on what you can do to make more Sales!

Michael Thibault

Known as “The Done For You Marketing Guy for Restaurants.” International Speaker on Restaurant Marketing. Published contributing author of 4 Marketing Books. Industry expert on Google Searches and Review Sites. Recovering Independent Restaurant Owner and Caterer of over 21 years. And, all-around good guy.