
But you already know that.

I did it for 24 years and wouldn’t change it for the world. Some of the best and worst times of my life. It taught me I can do anything if I work hard and push through the sh*t.

Restaurant owners are made of tough stuff. You have to be, or it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. (Rocky quote.)

I got up last week at 4 a.m. and felt compelled to put this list together, not to complain or commiserate about the difficulties of being a restaurant owner. No. I wrote this and shot this video/podcast as a tribute to restaurant owners everywhere.

We’re all a little crazy but some of the nicest, kindest, most passionate humans on the planet.

Be proud and celebrate it. Without independent restaurant owners, we would have nowhere to celebrate life.

Love my restaurant family!

Video highlights:

01:15 Why I got started as a restaurant owner in the first place.

02:56 BIG Lesson I learned after 24 years of owning restaurants.

08:08 Brutal Truth #2 of Being A Restaurant Owner.

14:12 Brutal Truth #6 this one might make you cry.

18:43 This advice might save your sanity.

Want to make life a little easier as a restaurant owner in 2024?

Check out our Best Promotion of the Year that will fill your restaurant in January and start the year off with a full cash register. With no work on your part.

Michael Thibault

Known as “The Done For You Marketing Guy for Restaurants.” International Speaker on Restaurant Marketing. Published contributing author of 4 Marketing Books. Industry expert on Google Searches and Review Sites. Recovering Independent Restaurant Owner and Caterer of over 21 years. And, all-around good guy.