You can’t run a successful restaurant all by yourself.

Without others, it will make owning a restaurant a living hell. Most restaurant owners are not utilizing their greatest resources, remaining on the hamster wheel of day-to-day operations.

Let’s talk about how to focus on the high-value tasks that will push your business forward. Let’s get THE RIGHT sh** done to move the needle in your business and life..

Do You Know How Much Your Time Is Worth?

If you don’t know your hourly rate, how can you expect anyone else to? Here is the best place to start.

Simple formula:
How Much You Want To Make / How Many Hours You Work = Your Hourly Rate

Did this shock you? Now, you need to track what you do with those hours. You can do this with a pen and paper or online software, but either way, track everything you do for one week. Block it out by chunks of time, and write down your tasks. You will be amazed at what you’re spending your time on.

At the end of the week, have a review. Beside each task, note whether it is working ON your business or IN in your business. Then beside that, star the items that could be taken on by someone else. What’s left are the important things for you to focus on.

This will change your whole mentality. This is how you make huge changes in running your restaurant so you can have a better, happier life. It’s going to help you prioritize what you’re doing to be able to maximize each and every hour.

You don’t have to totally let go. There is something to be gained from running food from the kitchen, bussing tables, working the hostess stand, and bartending – but only occasionally. It allows you to see the staff in action, see what people are eating and how the plates go out, hear customer feedback, and see where improvements can be made. But that’s not your full-time job.

Delegate The Work

Now that you know what you’re spending your hours and minutes on, you’ll be able to be much better at delegating and leveraging others. Think about all those daily tasks that keep your restaurant business running, the doing. Who can you delegate those tasks to that you trust, that will do the work, and will report back on

Give people direction, some autonomy, and a deadline, and make sure you follow up. You aren’t giving up the responsibility that it gets done; it’s just the doing of the thing. Don’t delegate the things that are super important to the success of your business that will push your business forward. Those are YOUR focus: how to grow the business, how to market to existing customers, how to attract new customers, cost controls, reviewing payroll, things that will affect the quality of the customer experience, and your personal income. Focus on those higher value tasks that only you can do, which is finding ways to grow your sales.

Leverage Your Efforts

Restaurant Owners are very hard-working people. Leveraging yourself is the way to combat overwork and maintain your sanity and your relationships with your family and friends. Leverage your time through other people’s talents. Leverage your talents as well. You can do that by creating systems for all the repeatable tasks in your organization and then providing them to your team.

Leveraging your staff starts with hiring good staff, right? And looking for people that you can train. Evaluate your staff. Take advantage of those within your team with specific talents and skill sets for you to save time, complete projects, achieve more, and be happier.

Outsource to experts. You can find other companies for some processes if you or your team don’t possess those talents. If you can hire someone or a business to do something quicker, better than you can, that saves you time and makes you money, why wouldn’t you do it?

Developing Systems

You need to take a day off and spend it with your family each week. Take a vacation. Go to a ball game with friends. But innumerable things can and will go wrong in your business. Systems must be in place to allow others to deal with them in your absence.

Creating systems for inevitable glitches, internet downtime, power outages, payment processing or POS errors, and product shortages – can all have documented processes that someone else can troubleshoot and fix. Documented systems will save you loads of time and help you increase your productivity substantially.

Knowing where your time goes, then delegating to others, leveraging experts, creating systems and focusing your energy on high-value responsibilities is going to revolutionize your life. It’s going to make your life so much better. It’s going to make your family happier and your customers happier. It will put more money in your pocket and give you some breathing room.

If you’re looking for a system to generate new customers and get your existing customers to come back more often, spend more money with you. Register for a FREE marketing strategy session with a DFY Restaurant Marketing Expert.

The first one is FREE. First come, first served. Find out what specifically you can do to make 2024 is your best year yet.

(This isn’t a high-pressure sales call; it is helping you discover how you can systemize your marketing to increase your sales. No obligation for anything.)

Michael Thibault

Known as “The Done For You Marketing Guy for Restaurants.” International Speaker on Restaurant Marketing. Published contributing author of 4 Marketing Books. Industry expert on Google Searches and Review Sites. Recovering Independent Restaurant Owner and Caterer of over 21 years. And, all-around good guy.