Big Events + Slipstream Marketing = Big Paydays

Big Events + Slipstream Marketing = Big Paydays

Big sporting events like the one this Sunday. Or St. Paddy’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Mardi Gras, or Opening Day for Baseball. These are all huge events that are well publicized by the media and on the mind of ALL your customers. Don’t just discard these money-making...
Without This, Your Business Will Die This Year

Without This, Your Business Will Die This Year

Sound harsh? It’s supposed to. And what I have to tell you could save your business. But first, a story…A friend shared the story of deciding to change the oil in his car for himself. He pulled the oil plug, drained the old oil, and added new oil. After adding the new...
205% Increase In Labor Costs For Restaurants

205% Increase In Labor Costs For Restaurants

Are you a restaurant owner feeling the crunch of minimum wage hikes? You’re not alone. Last week in Michigan, where I reside, the state proposed a 205% increase in the tipped minimum wage. An increase from $3.84 to $11.73 for tipped employees. It was shot down. The...