It Went Viral – Now What?
What Does “Going Viral” Mean? “Uh oh, that pic of Johnny standing on the bus tub of lettuce just went viral!” You don’t want that to happen to you! Trust me. And like individuals, a viral event can make or break your small business. It can be a huge positive boost or...
Your Next 30 Days For A Sales-Making Social Media Plan
Last edition, we showed you how to create a 30-day social media plan that you can repeat over and over again. If you missed it, it’s here: Your First 30 Days For Making A Social Media Plan Once you have a basic 30-day plan of content created, we will do it again...
Your First 30 Days Of A Sales-Making Social Media Plan
You know that being active on social media is essential in today’s digital landscape, but do you have a plan explicitly crafted for marketing your restaurant? One that has the right strategies in place. A plan to drive new customers to your door while boosting...
Should You Tell The Truth In Your Marketing?
Skepticism abounds. We are inundated with fake news, clickbait, and grandiose headlines that try to lure us into buying the latest widget, hair growth shampoo, or the world’s most fuel-efficient car… The advertising world has done it to itself. Since the...