The Second “S” Principle Of Business Success

The Second “S” Principle Of Business Success

Yep, this one could put you in a hospital if you don’t get it right. What am I talking about? STAFFING, of course! The second “S” principle of business success. Finding, attracting, and getting new staff to take action (filling out an application) is all a trick....
The 2nd Key For Restaurant Success: Staff

The 2nd Key For Restaurant Success: Staff

Your success depends on the 3 S’s Of Restaurant Success. Systems (training, financial, operations, staffing, marketing, etc.) Staff (well-trained people you can count on.) Sales (a steady stream of customers coming in the door.) Last week, we discussed the first...
205% Increase In Labor Costs For Restaurants

205% Increase In Labor Costs For Restaurants

Are you a restaurant owner feeling the crunch of minimum wage hikes? You’re not alone. Last week in Michigan, where I reside, the state proposed a 205% increase in the tipped minimum wage. An increase from $3.84 to $11.73 for tipped employees. It was shot down. The...