If you’re looking for a successful marketing strategy that accomplishes everything you want in a promotion, good luck. It ain’t easy to find one thing that you know will work. You want something that will make you money with the least investment possible, the least...
How do you get a new customer to get up off their comfy couch in the middle of winter, put down the remote for their big screen T.V. while watching Sunday Football, get dressed, get in the cold car, and drive past 15 other restaurants before they get to yours? Sound...
There are three key secrets of successful marketing taken from the top experts in the field. Marketing is a tricky thing to do- especially when you are a small business owner and don’t have a ton of time or money to invest in it. But there are some key strategies that...
Seriously, it’s getting harder and harder to get stuff done at your restaurant. Isn’t it? And you know why? Because you don’t use these two words: LEVERAGE and PRESSURE. But this isn’t your fault. And the good news is there is a simple exercise that can fix this...
When you think about it, connecting with a business is no different than forming a new friendship. We’re inherently drawn towards charming people who make us laugh and know how to keep the conversation light-hearted. After all, nobody wants to be around someone as...
What could be scarier? Empty dining room in October… Fall sales gloomy and dark… Are you afraid to waste your hard-earned dollars on marketing? Marketing can be scary but not as scary as empty tables and a stack of bills with no cash in the bank to pay them. Now...