The DFY Restaurant Profit Journal
The DFY Restaurant Profit Journal features today's best strategies and techniques to get you more new customers and increase your sales. Browse and subscribe to become part of the DFY family and get what you need to create your dream restaurant.

Panic Marketing-The Fast Track To Losing Money In Your Restaurant
In the chaotic world of restaurant owners, it's easy to fall into the trap of panic marketing. You got lots going on and sometimes marketing and increasing sales gets...
Should You Pay Yelp To Advertise Your Restaurant?
I get this question A LOT. Because of our review management program for restaurant owners, we are frequently asked if paying to advertise on Yelp is a good thing. Does it bring in new customers and...
How to Get Social Media Influencers Talking About Your Restaurant?
Influencers are the tastemakers of the digital age. They have the power to sway opinions and drive customers to your restaurant with a push of a button on their phones. This makes them them a...
Is Your Restaurant A Dumpster Fire?
Hey, we’ve all been there, right? Julie called off for her shift tonight. The meat purveyor’s truck broke down, so we have no steaks for tonight. There’s a customer on line 2 from last night that...
How To Prevent Your Next Bad Yelp Review
It’s inevitable that at some point you will have an unhappy customer, and they all head right to Yelp, right? Maybe they didn’t get the product they wanted, or their order arrived late, or maybe the...
My $1,000,000 Secret
What’s the secret? Well, you’ll have to watch the video and find out. But let me tell you what I’m talking about first. When I had my restaurants and catering company between 1984 and 2008. I had...
The “10 Must-Have” Elements Of A Profitable Website
Have you ever been frustrated by a website that doesn’t give you the easy answer you are searching for? What time are their hours? Where are they located? Do they provide a specific service you...
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