The DFY Restaurant Profit Journal
The DFY Restaurant Profit Journal features today's best strategies and techniques to get you more new customers and increase your sales. Browse and subscribe to become part of the DFY family and get what you need to create your dream restaurant.

It’s All About T.O.M.A For The Holidays!
If you want to be the first on your clients call list when they need a caterer for this Holiday Season and beyond you must reach “Top of Mind Awareness.” TOMA is almost...
Catering: A Highly Profitable Income Stream…Or The Kiss Of Death?
Are you an independent restaurant owner looking to make more money? That's a rhetorical question. Who doesn't want to make more money? Here's the best part. You already...
How To Get Your Customers To Drive An Hour To Come To Your Restaurant
Can you get your customers to leave their warm, cozy, comfortable homes, fight traffic, and pass by 30 other restaurants in a car for an hour to come to your restaurant? I will show you the three...
The Secret To Getting Sh** Done…Even If You Own A Restaurant
You can't run a successful restaurant all by yourself. Without others, it will make owning a restaurant a living hell. Most restaurant owners are not utilizing their...
How To Turn Your Old Gift Cards Into Cash
Have a stack of old, used gift cards that customers redeemed sitting in your desk drawer? Don’t want to throw them out because you paid money for them, right? I have the perfect solution. Watch this...
The #1 “Thing” New Customers Want From You In 2024
We have all become so overrun with the media on our phones, on the internet, out in the community and on the news. We’ve become jaded, skeptical, and too often lured by...
Can Your Customers Get “Menu Anxiety?”
Learn how to NOT stress your customers out with your menu. Yes sounds silly but it’s a real thing. This is important especially for new customers. Nobody goes out to eat to get stressed out. Don’t...
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