Shame On You For Not Leaving A Tip!

Shame On You For Not Leaving A Tip!

There was a story about an ice cream shop owner in Detroit a few weeks ago who stalked andshamed a customer on social media for not leaving a tip. The really bad part was that he usedher credit card information to track her down. The story went viral and made national...
Super Simple Success Formula

Super Simple Success Formula

It’s sad when any business doesn’t make it and ends up having to close. But especially when you get to know the owner who’s trying to make a go of it and has invested everything he has into making the space as nice as possible for his customers. But...
Employees Are Like Fish

Employees Are Like Fish

They’re hard to find, and then you have to get ’em hooked. Do you have the time to constantly look for more employees? We all know hiring is a challenging process in the restaurant industry. That’s the understatement of the year. In such a...