The DFY Restaurant Profit Journal
The DFY Restaurant Profit Journal features today's best strategies and techniques to get you more new customers and increase your sales. Browse and subscribe to become part of the DFY family and get what you need to create your dream restaurant.

Getting Summer Staff For Your Restaurant (in less than 5 minutes)
If only finding, attracting, and hiring an awesome staff was that simple. We’d all be living on easy street. The fact is, having the ability to get great staff on...
I Refuse To Participate In This Recession
How does that work? Just because you say something, that doesn’t make it true. You need to make a credible and realistic statement and back it up with a real plan. One that can be implemented. This...
Secret Sauce Of Marketing For $$$
Have you ever done a marketing promotion for your business and had it completely fail? You know what I’m talking about, a promotion for a new product, menu item, event, or a specific time of year...
The Secret Behind Mass Communication
You might read every email you receive, I might scroll Instagram daily, others wait for their mail to arrive, and some prefer print ads. Most people aren’t thinking about your business until a...
How To Create A Strategic Marketing Plan For 2023
It’s that time of year again when your business needs to think about planning a marketing calendar. A daunting task for most, to say the least! Likely, you didn’t get into the restaurant business...
How To Not Be Boring!
How To Create Exciting Marketing Strategies That Produce Results In The Restaurant Industry There’s no doubt that owning a restaurant is hard work. The restaurant industry is not easy. Staffing...
Don’t Do The #1 Restaurant Promotion Of All Time?
Sounds strange for me to say that, doesn’t it? Coming from a marketing guy. But if you qualify and all three of these reasons that I go over apply to you, then just skip it. But if just one of these...
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