What’s “Hot” In Digital Marketing For Your Restaurant IN 2024
The internet, marketing, A.I., robots that cook, serve, clear tables, take orders it just never seems to slow down. And as the digital world continues to evolve at a breakneck pace, staying ahead of your competition online is more crucial than ever. With 2024 on the...
How I Landed A $1,000,000 Catering Job
A million-dollar catering job? Yep, one job for a million bucks that lasted for 1 week. It was for Chrysler for the auto-show in Detroit, MI where my company was based. I had two restaurants at the time and how I came to acquire the contract for this mega-catering...
Secrets To Keeping Your Staff Motivated
The heartbeat of every successful restaurant is its staff. When your team buzzes with energy and motivation, it reflects in every dish served and every customer greeted. But how do you cultivate and maintain a happy and motivated staff? That’s the trick! Let’s...
Can You Charge Your Customers An Irritation Fee?
Doesn’t that sound like fun! A customer comes into your restaurant, wants everything for free, runs your staff ragged, doesn’t tip, complains about how cold it is, they don’t like their table, their kids are tearing your restaurant up… BAM! Tack on a $50 irritation...