Retro Marketing… It’s Cool!
What is retro marketing? No, I’m not talking about smoke signals and hieroglyphics. I’m referring to old-school, guerrilla-style marketing. Things you can do relatively inexpensively and quickly that get a result. No disco ball required. I give you three...
How To Keep Your Best Staff From Jumping Ship
The recruitment and hiring process is laborious and time-consuming for small business owners. But once you’ve gone through the hiring and interview process and found great employees who have proven they’re worth all the effort, keeping them engaged is...
Employee-Owned Restaurants?
Would you work for your employees? That’s a scary thought. But that’s not what I’m talking about. I went to a restaurant in MN a few weeks ago when I was doing a seminar for some high-level restaurant owners that is employee-owned. Very interesting. Why would they do...
The Secret To The Most Profitable Part Of Your Restaurant
Are you burnt out from working too hard in your restaurant and still not making the money your hard work deserves? Too many hours in the kitchen or on the floor? Feel like you are ALWAYS at the restaurant and missing the things that you would rather be doing with your...